Thursday, June 23, 2011


Why do I put so many rules upon my creative self?

I just cruised through the latest issue of Art Journaling magazine and I'm so inspired! I can do this! I love color! I have lots of thoughts to put on paper, memories to keep and more. I have tons of ephemera I don't want to give up so why not keep it in a cool art journal?

Why not?

Because you've started all sorts of journals in the past only to "get busy" and forget about them. Only to find them years later, mostly empty. However the pages that are done do bring about all sorts of memories. I can even remember the day I created most of my journal entries.

What if I make an entry and I don't like it? What if I add one more element and it ruins the page? I don't like to make "ugly" things. It frustrates me to no end. I really hate to screw things up.

Where do I start? Just paint backgrounds Alicia says. I don't know if I'm a painted background person. I guess I'll have to study AJ magazine a bit more and see what sort of backgrounds folks do. I'll have to find the pages I really like and use them as inspiration to get me started.

An art journal really is just another place to experiment with color and images. And keep a thought journal at the same time. I really need to turn my judgmental brain off and just create. How much relaxing or alcohol will it take to get that part of my brain to ease off a bit? Sigh.

Summer Kick-Off Party

What fun!
I invited my art group over for a summer kick-off party and last night, four of us got together and had a great time! We ate, drank, laughed and told lots of stories. Very relaxing.
Robbie, Christy and Tracy showed up and I served them food and drink inspired by
served with sourdough bread,
veggie and dip in cups,
rainbow fruit skewers,
raspberries with chocolate chips inside
and fresh Oregon strawberries.

It was fun showing off my newly painted living room and dining room, accented with my fabu dishes.

As we were saying goodbye, Robbie said we need to do this again. At first I thought someone else needs to host a party but then I realized I don't want to wait forever. So, yeah, I'll do it again soon. It was fun, a great way to get my house cleaned and a good excuse to play in the kitchen. Maybe next time I'll get braver and actually cook something!

Time to go scour Pinterest and see what inspires me!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


How is it I can be totally dragging at work then I get home and do a little decorating after dinner?

Wait a minute.

I actually ate something fairly good for me tonight. Could that have something to do with it? I even actually used a knife and the microwave tonight. It's the closest to cooking I've been in a long time. What was my creation of the night? A very simple soft taco. Refried beans, olives and cheese in a flour tortilla. Nuke it and it's melted goodness. Hmm. Protein. Now there's a concept.

I even have an inkling to go to the gym tomorrow morning. I know I always feel better after a good workout. Perhaps that will help shake the cobwebs out of the work drags.

Oh, and the decorating I did? I put a table cloth (fabric remnant) on the Vanport flood table in the living room. Put the clock, dish of rock chips and my ceramic squirrel on it and tada. Something was done!

Now to see what tomorrow brings...

Motivation Please!

I was doing so well!
I moved the computer and the printer at the shop. Took care of the cables. Oh that was a creative adventure! Made sure everything was working great. Feelin' good about it all.

Now it's time to put away all the stuff I've displaced. The pile of reading materials that I had under the counter. The "to do" lists and notes that were beside the computer.

And there's other things that need my attention too. Straightening around the store. Orders to write. I need to figure out what to do with all the stuff to donate to kids groups.

Yet all I want to do is goof off on the internet. Pinterest anyone? Oh yes. I could pin for hours! But I shouldn't. I should do that at home tonight. Plan my party tonight while waiting for Rod to get off work.

I don't like this unmotivated feeling. Of course it just leads to more snacking and that's not good for the bottom line. ha ha.

I think I'll go swap the ATCs and see what other to dos I get crossed off my list by 7pm.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Who? Why? How?

Here it is. The first post.

Who: a female small business owner, 41yo, single yet in a long-distance with a fantastic man.

Why: because I can't spill it on my store blog about thoughts I'm having about the business, my love life and my personal thoughts. I like sharing cool things I find, food I savor, and adventures of my life. I enjoy telling my stories, learn a lot from journaling and am too busy (lazy) to write it out longhand. Ok, and I like the freedom to design and play on my laptop and learn new things.

How did I come up with the name of this blog? Eilene is my middle name and these are my middle thoughts. Clever, eh? I like to think so.

So, follow along as desired. Comments are welcome. Let's enjoy telling stories together.